Ypres-Yper: A Few Notes on lts History before the War.
Een klein boekje met historische weetjes over Ieper, verschenen in 1918, terwijl de oorlog nog niet ten einde was.
Met een voorwoord van Town Major James Lee, Capt. (17 april 1918).
“Passed by Censor – 4th Army”
“Dedicated to the King and Queen of the Belgians – a martyred nation – and to the Burgermeester and exiled citizens of Yper.”
Geïllustreerd met 14 foto’s van locaties in Ieper, voor en tijdens de oorlog.
The guidebook of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) was written by its leading agent in the Salient, C.J. Magrath, with a foreword by the town major (local military administrative head), Captain James Lee. The work was largely aimed at the military and civilian services that operated in and around the city “who make an enforced sojourn here, and can neither procure a guide book nor read long histories in Flemish”. Somewhat ironically, the book was published in April 1918 just as the latest German attacks on the city were pressing the Allied defences back still further. Magrath’s book encouraged his readers to imagine the former glories of Ypres, but also looked forward to the post-war world when it would inevitably be restored through the deliverance of Allied military victory.